Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

CVC Word Balloon Game

Totschooling has officially turned a year old and I am very excited to announce the start of my guest blogger series! My very first guest is Susen from Dabbling Momma! On her blog you can find tons of hands-on educational ideas for preschoolers and beyond. Some of my favorites are Learning about our 5 Senses, Learning about Seasons, and Helicopter Number Hide and Seek Game. She is seriously awesome and I am so excited to feature one of her creative activities. Take it away Susen!

CVC Word Balloon Game

Learning how to read must be made fun because our little ones can become frustrated. We have been practicing CVC words since the end of last year and we're making great progress. Back in December we used popsicle sticks and stamps to help learn CVC words. This time around I used balloons since my daughter loves playing with them and thought incorporating them into learning would be a winner for us.

I had a bag of those long balloons and blew up what was left and wrote some CVC words on them. Next, I hid the balloons around the house because my daughter likes everything that much more when a hunt is involved!

After she found a balloon she would run over to these bins where I attached another CVC word. She had to sound out the word on the balloon and then put it in the basket that had the same vowel sound word.

After she finished finding all the balloons and placing them into the correct bins we continued playing by trying to throw the balloons into the bins.

This game was alot of fun! She even got to burn off some energy running around trying to find the balloons and then back to the bins again.

I'm a SAHM to a 9 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. My son is in 3rd grade and I am homeschooling my 4 year old for her last preschool year. This fall she will be headed off to kindergarten. I love learning with my children and finding ways to make their learning fun! Even though both of my children will be in school come this fall I will always be looking for ways to engage them in activities that will help them be the best they can in their school years and beyond!

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